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Equipping prophets for over 50 years…
The School of the Prophets is 90 days of online coaching, immersive prophetic training and development. You’ll dive into learning, demonstrating and activating your prophetic call and gifting under the supervision of experienced Apostles and Prophets. Our instructors have 50+ years of experience in raising up prophetic voices all over the world and desire to see you fulfill all God has for you!
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Our next term begins JANUARY 25TH, 2025. Receive from key leaders in the prophetic movement by applying for our 90 Day Coaching Program today!
School of the Prophets
Immersive. Online.
At your own pace.

“The instructors were AMAZING!! Very loving and helpful. I was amazed that they made me feel like family even if I was thousands of miles away. They did a phenomenal job. I am very pleased with how well they poured into me and how they helped me grow.”
“SOP was extremely helpful for me in many ways. It not only helped me in my spiritual life but also in my personal life. This teaching really helped me open my eyes to see who God truly is and how great and mighty he is. I thought my eyes were open and thought I had an idea of who God was but after this training it made me see clearly and it made me realize I was just getting a glimpse of all God can do and of who he is. This training not only helped me in my walk with God but it helped me break out of my shell. I’m more bold and confident of who God says I am and where God has called me. The only thing I didn’t like was that time went by so fast!! I was really enjoying every moment of the teaching and the 90 days went by extremely quickly. I really enjoyed everything about it that I just wanted to enjoy it a bit longer. I would love it if there was a second class or different kind of teaching to continue learning more. But overall I’m so glad I was able to experience this amazing teaching. I walk away being a different person in God and with lots to share with those around me.”
“I lacked knowledge of the prophetic coming into this training. I knew that for many years I would be able to see videos moving before me. I didn’t know but recognized the things would happen. I would be in a conversation with someone and I just would begin to say things they was looking for an answer to or something future would be told to them. What Holy Spirit had me say would soon or later would happen. I learned the different kinds of prophets. I’m a Bubbling Prophet! I would always be told that I had a big mouth so I shut down. I received an abundance of revelation, wisdom and knowledge of the prophetic. I found TRUTH about the prophetic. God is restoring my gift because of the SOP Training! I’m thankful for this training and for restoration...”
Our Vision
Our 90 day program will equip, teach and train you to not only hear the voice of God clearly, but to become the mature prophet you are called to be. You’ll be immersed in daily classes, receive through impartation and teaching and activated in your prophetic calling under the supervision of experienced apostles and prophets. Our instructors have 50+ years of experience in raising up prophetic voices all over the world and desire to see you fulfill all God has for you!
Apply today
Bishop Bill Hamon
Founder of Christian International
“God is raising up a company of prophets in this hour to demonstrate His Kingdom and His Glory”
School of the Prophets
Activate your voice!

Christian International Ministries Network
How to Fulfill Your Personal Prophecy
Understanding and Responding to Personal Prophecy: Key Principles for Effective Ministry
At CI School of the Prophets, our core mission is to equip individuals in the practice of prophetic ministry. A crucial aspect of this training involves learning how to handle prophetic words with care and precision. Many have been disillusioned by prophecy due to misunderstandings or misapplications of divine messages. Through extensive experience in counseling and ministering, we’ve identified several essential principles to guide you in realizing the full potential of the prophecies spoken over your life.
Even if you’re well-versed in prophetic matters, it’s beneficial to periodically revisit the fundamentals. We recommend reading the book, Prophets and Personal Prophecy, by Dr. Bill Hamon annually, or at least the booklet Fulfilling Your Personal Prophecy. This article will outline some fundamental principles to help you understand and actualize the Lord’s words to you.
Keeping Personal Prophecy in Perspective
Personal prophecy should never replace the Bible in our lives; rather, it should complement and affirm the Scriptures. Prophetic messages are always subordinate to God’s written Word. This means that any prophecy you receive will not contradict the established principles of the Bible.
Prophecy is one of many ways God communicates with us but is not the sole method. Some individuals place excessive emphasis on personal prophecy, seeking guidance for every aspect of their lives. Conversely, others may view personal prophecy solely as confirmation of their own insights and dismiss its potential to reveal new aspects of God’s will. Scripture encourages us to "covet to prophesy" and to "despise not prophesying" (1 Corinthians 12:39; 14:1,39; 1 Thessalonians 5:20).
While personal prophecy often confirms what God has already spoken to us, it can also provide new insights, particularly for those who struggle to hear God’s voice clearly. Biblical examples from both the Old and New Testaments illustrate that God uses prophecy to reveal new dimensions of His plans. For instance, the Apostle Paul received a calling through prophecy that was not previously disclosed to him.
Understanding the Nature of Personal Prophecy
1. Prophecy is Conditional
Personal prophecy often comes with conditions, even if these conditions are not explicitly mentioned. For example, Moses received prophecies about his role as Israel’s deliverer but faced severe consequences for failing to obey God fully. His disobedience led to not entering the Promised Land. This underscores the importance of responding appropriately to prophetic messages, aligning our actions with God’s will to see the fulfillment of His promises.
2. Prophecy is Partial
Prophecies reveal parts of God’s plan rather than the whole picture. Understanding that prophecies are partial helps avoid disappointment when they don’t address every detail of our lives or when we don’t receive confirmation about every aspect of our concerns. Just because a prophecy doesn’t cover certain areas doesn’t mean God is indifferent or endorsing those areas unconditionally.
3. Prophecy is Progressive
Prophecy unfolds over time and may not align with our expected timelines. It can be likened to a book with various chapters and pages, where each prophecy reveals different parts of the story. We may receive a word about one chapter while we’re still working through an earlier one. Trust that as you continue your journey with God, the pieces will come together. While some prophecies may take years to manifest, remember that God's timing is always perfect.
Responding to Personal Prophecy
1. Cultivate the Right Attitude
A prophetic word is as significant as the written Word of God and should be approached with faith. Hebrews 11:6 emphasizes that faith is essential to pleasing God. Just as the Israelites failed to benefit from the Word due to a lack of faith (Hebrews 4), we must believe in the fulfillment of our prophecies even before they materialize.
2. Practice Obedience
To see prophecy fulfilled, we must be willing to act on what God desires. James 1:22 reminds us to be "doers of the Word, and not hearers only." Our actions should align with our beliefs, demonstrating readiness to cooperate with God. For example, Noah’s obedience in building the ark before the rain showcased faith and preparedness for what was to come.
3. Exercise Patience
Hebrews 6:12-15 teaches that patience, alongside faith, is crucial in receiving God’s promises. Impatience can lead to premature results, while patience aligns us with God's perfect timing. Keeping a patient attitude will help us inherit the promises associated with our prophecies.
4. Embrace Humility and Kindness
Sometimes, prophecies may not be what we expect or want to hear. It’s vital to approach such messages with humility and a willingness to receive correction. Our attitude should reflect maturity and openness to God’s adjustments in our lives.
By applying these principles—recognizing that prophecy is conditional, partial, and progressive—you can better understand and integrate personal prophecy into your life. This approach will help you respond to the Lord’s words with faith, obedience, patience, and humility, paving the way for the fulfillment of His promises.
For additional wisdom on how to properly respond to your prophetic words to bring them to pass, please see Prophets and Personal Prophecy or Fulfilling Your Personal Prophecy available from Christian International’s resource department.
reposted by courtesy of Christian International Ministries Network
by jane hamon
The Hebraic Year 5784 - The Year of Voice Activated Doors
September 15, 2023 marked the new year on the Hebraic calendar, 5784, which is always a good time to stop and listen to God’s Voice for the new season to stir our faith and refine our focus. In the Hebraic decade of the 80’s we understand the word for 80 is pe which means mouth, voice or sound (See Strong’s 6310) The ending year, four, is the Hebrew number dalet, which means door, gate or entrance(Strong’s 1817). This is the year God has set an open door before us that no man can close (Revelation 3:9).
Voice Activated Doors
As I thought of the combination of the number for the voice and the number for the door, I recognized that this will be a year of voice activated doors of opportunity. We live in a day of voice activated electronics. Some homes have a feature that you can just speak and a computer responds by setting the room tempurature or turning on or off lights. In the realm of the spirit God has put power in our mouths to activate spiritual doors of breakthrough for us. Psalms 81:10 in the Passion Translation says, “Open your mouth with a mighty decree. I will fulfill it now you’ll see. The words that you speak, so shall it be.”
Paul and Silas saw prison doors open when they opened their mouths and praised. Their voices activated the supernatural and caused that which was locked to open up. Peter similarly saw prison doors opened and the gate of the city open of it’s own accord as the result of volumes of prayer going up on his behalf. Their prayers activated heaven to send and angel to lead him out. These gates were the original automatic doors! (Acts 12:5-17)
Voice Activated Miracles
It’s also a time for voice activated miracles. Jesus activated healings and miracles by saying things such as, “Rise, take up your bed and walk; woman thou art loosed; stretch out your hand and be made whole; Lazarus, come forth.” His voice activated miracles. Likewise,Peter and John activated a miracle for the lame man at the Gate Beautiful. They proclaimed they didn’t have money to give him, but what they did have they would release. “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The man immediately received strength in his ankle bones and jumped up, walking and leaping and praising God! Peter’s voice activated a miracle! In the same way, in this year of voice activated doors, God will activate the supernatural for you and I as we open our mouths to decree, “in the name of Jesus!”
In this important passage in Acts 3 we find this miracle happened at the Gate Beautiful. Beautiful does not mean, “the pretty gate”, but rather means, “the right time or apppointed time Gate.” It comes from a word which means to blossom and flourish. This is the right time for your miracle! Your miracle is voice activated. Your breakthrough is voice activated. This is the appointed time for you to flourish and blossom. Open your mouth and activate your miracle!
Voice Activated Prophetic Fulfillment
In 2 Kings 4:8 we read the story of the Shunammite woman. She built a room for the prophet, Elisha, in her home so he would have someplace to stay when he passed through town. As a result he wanted to bless her. He asked his servant, Gehazi, to find out what she needed. She responded she was content and didn’t need anything. So Elisha asked Gehazi, “what then shall be done for this woman?” Gehazi responded that she was barren and did not have a son to inherit their legacy. Elisha asked Gehazi to call the woman. 2 Kings 4:15 says, “When he had called her she stood in the doorway.” He then prophesied to her that she would be holding her own son by the same time the next year. To be clear, the Shunammite was standing in the doorway of her miracle. She had a hard time believing the word since she had lived through years of grief and the shame of her barreness. She more or less said, “Prophet, don’t mess with me!” Yet she conceived and bore a son just as the prophet said. His prophetic word activated fulfillment of this woman’s greatest dream!
Perhaps you have lived through disappointment and grief. Perhaps you may have even given up on your dream from a previous season. But know this: One word from God can change everything! The Shunammite’s miracle was voice activated through the word of the prophet.
Let this be a reminder to each of us that not only does God desire to bring miracles of fulfillment for us personally, but also there is a world of Shunammites out there that are standing in the doorway of their own miracle. All they need is for one of us to prophetically speak, releasing a word of promise, stirring up the spirit realm and voice activating the supernatural in order to make the power of God real. God had given us the power to pray, decree and prophecy for our own breakthrough, but also for others to step across the doorway to embrace their promise.
Let’s open our mouths and activate the doors of the supernatural in this new season.
Stay tuned and follow for Part 2 - The Double Doors of Hope…please hit like and share this with your friends!
(To learn more about the power of your voice, pick up a copy of my new book, Declarations for Breakthrough, at www.tomandjanehamon.com or wherever books are sold.)
by jane hamon
The Hebraic Year 5784 - The Year of Victory in the Valley
When we look at the Hebraic calendar, particular attention is paid to the last two numbers of the year to gain insight regarding all God has ahead. As previously noted for the decade of the 80’s, the number eighty in Hebrew is the word peh which signifies the mouth, the voice and sound. This is a year for tuning in to God’s Voice on a new level, but also activating our own voice to speak, pray, decree and prophesy by faith all we are hearing God say. The fourth letter in the Hebraic aleph-bet is the word dalet, which is also the word for door or gate. This indicates this is a year marked by open doors of opportunity, significant supernatural access in the realm of the spirit as well as breakthroughs of major proportion. This will be a time of voice activated doors - things that open because we speak and see things shift. Your miracle is voice activated. Your breakthrough is voice activated!
A Season of Battle
As I sought the Lord regarding what this year would look like He gave me two scriptures that indicated we would be walking through times of new spiritual battles as well as some natural shaking that was designed to shift the Body of Christ into action, but also shift nations. I Corinthians 16:9 declares, ““For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” So yes, there are incredible doors of favor and opportunity being opened to believers to advance God’s Kingdom cause in this new season, yet there will also be adversaries we must overcome. I know, the last few years have been years of contending, so many are not excited about the prospects of having to continue to engage in the fight. But a few years ago the Lord encouraged me by saying, “Your opposition will become your opportunity.” I also heard the Lord say the battle is shifting out of a time of just battling to survive, into a time of battling to possess! There is joy that arises when we fight to win!
The second scripture the Lord gave me is out of Hosea 2:13: I will give her….the Valley of Achor for a door of hope. The valley of Achor was where Achan and his family were judged for taking things that were dedicated to the Lord and bringing them into their own tent. Achor means “trouble, disturbance, calamity” and it became known as a place of judgment. However, in Isaiah 65:10 it says the valley of Achor became a place for herds to lie down. In other words, a resting place. This year, God wants to turn our valley of trouble and calamity into a place of rest and a door of hope and expectation for our future.
To be clear, the enemy will want to stir up trouble and create situations of calamity in the earth. This will be a contentious election season in the US where nothing will be ordinary or status quo. The global economy will go through a period of shaking. Even the church will be shaken as God raises the standard of righteousness in the land and fights the enemies of division and lawlessness. But the shaking will bring awakening to both the church and to nations as God arises as the Mighty Man of War.
Victory in the Valley
I heard the Lord say to tell the Body of Christ that as we cry out to Him in this season He would bring victory in the valley. We all want to live on spiritual mountain tops: places of glory, vision and presence. However, He is calling us to the valley in this season. Valleys are symbols of trials, difficulty and yes, even battles. But it is in the valley that fruit is grown.
I began to study valleys in scripture to see what is in store for us and what weapons we are to employ to see victory. Here are a few for us to pray about.
1). Victory in the Valley of Rephidim - Exodus 17 - This was the first place Israel mobilized as an army to fight as they were coming out of Egypt into their promised land. This battle teaches us the value of inter-generational connection as well as proper connection between leaders and those called to hold up their arms in battle. Moses stood on the mountain holding his rod as a symbol of connecting to heaven. At the same time Joshua led the army in battle in the valley swinging his sword. Moses needed Joshua’s sword to fight, but Joshua needed Moses’ rod to prevail. Moses also needed Aaron and Hur to hold up his arms so the whole army could win the fight. This season it is so important for each of us to know who our Moses is, but also, leaders need to know who their Aaron and Hur are. They fought the Amalekites, which were a tribe always trying to rob and plunder Israel. When we get connections right, we will defeat the robber and move into a season of divine recovery!
2). David and Goliath in the Valley of Elah - I Samuel 17 - We are all familiar with this famous battle. Goliath, whose name means to take captive and strip bare, was a Philistine giant challenging Israel to come fight him. He filled the atmosphere with his intimidation and threats and seemed impossible to defeat. But David, full of the spirit of God, rose to meet the challenge. (I heard the Lord say this will be a time for His people to rise up and risk! This will look different for each of us, but be sure to answer the call and not shrink back.). When he stepped into the valley, Goliath immediately began to curse him by his gods. Believers need to recognize the power of the Holy Spirit dwells inside each of us and we therefore, cannot be cursed. Goliath also began to prophesy to David about his impending death. Did you know the devil will prophesy to you? He will prophesy failure, destruction, death and disaster over your life. But we’ve got to be like David, who prophesied right back!! David rose up in boldness and began to declare to Goliath of his own demise and the ultimate victory God would bring to him and Israel that day. Isaiah 30:31 declares, “The voice of the Lord will shatter the enemy!” Like David, this is a time for God’s people to go from intimidation to determination. We must open our mouths and boldly declare the victory in our valley of impossibility.
3). Victory in the Valley of Jehoshaphat - 2 Chronicles 20:20 - The people of Judah were surrounded by many enemies who sought to destroy them. They were dramatically outnumbered and the situation was dire. Jehoshaphat called everyone to fast and pray, and the prophet Jehaziel gave a prophetic word about the victory God would bring. So Jehoshaphat sent the praisers out first proclaiming, “Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever.” When they opened their mouths and created a sound, it shifted the atmosphere over the valley. The enemy began to turn and destroy one another. When they arrived at the enemy’s camp their foes were already defeated and they spent days gathering the spoil in the Valley of Berachah (which means blessing) . God is going to show us how to go from the Valley of Battle to the Valley of Blessings this year and how our praise becomes a weapon that causes God to rise up and fight for us, causing confusion in the camp of our enemy.
Perhaps I will write more later regarding victories God will give us in the Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37) where dry bones become an army or the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psalms 23) that we are being delivered from. There are also some keys to warfare God wants to teach us out of the Hebron Valley when Caleb rose up and defeated the giants of Kirjath-arba (City of four giants). This city sat on a small mountain in the midst of a large valley of which Caleb proclaimed, “Give me my mountain.” We all want to take the mountain, but we must understand something: We must take the valley before we can take the mountain. This will be a year God gives the the valley of Achor (trouble) for a door of hope and expectation for our future.
Finally, in this year of battle for the door of our future, we should always remember that Jesus won a battle for our future in a valley. The Garden of Gethsemane was located in the Kidron valley. It was here our Savior sweat drops of blood for the redemption of mankind. Though our salvation came through his death on the cross, it was in the garden he won the battle with his own flesh, declaring, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42). This was the beginning of the shedding of his blood and therefore, the beginning of our redemption. This year, you may find yourself in a valley when your flesh cries out for comfort to escape the challenge of the Spirit. Like Christ, let our response be, “not my will, but Yours, be done.” Only then will we be able to know victory and step through the double doors of blessing that lead to our future.
For part one of this article and for future prophetic releases follow me at www.facebook.com/ApostleJaneHamon or at www.tomandjanehamon.com